"Battle of Britain" - 1969

"Battle of Britain" is a War Movie Blockbuster with excellent aerial combat sequences.
Director Guy Hamilton and Producer Harry Saltzman had more money to play with than
my favorite Chorizo War Movie Artists Jose Luis Merino and Leon Klimvosky had for
all their flicks together!
The Spanish Locations of "Battle of Britain".

Capt.Douglas, 2011.

Sevilla - Base Aerea de Tablada.

Filming on the Tablada Airfield (Sevilla).
Producer Harry Saltzman - Tablada Airfield, Sevilla.
Tablada Airfield with the town of Sevilla (Andalucia) in the background.
The old Tablada Airfield in Sevialla today.
The surviving fighter planes (Spitfires, Hurricane,...) have been collected together
from all over the world.
Spain had provided the fighters and bomber force to be flown as the Luftwaffe.
Many models have been made for the "Battle of Britain".
The Dunkirk sequence was shot on the beach of Huelva (Andalucia).
The Night Scene in Berlin was filmed in San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa, Pais Vasco) in the
Avenida de la Libertad.
A nice building in La Avenida de la Libertad (San Sebastian) in "Battle of the Britain" and today.
Beach Scene filmed in Zarautz (Pais Vasco).
Zarautz, 1969.
The Radar Station of Dover....visible from the beach of Zarautz!
Zarautz today and in "Battle of Britain", 1969.
German "Battle of Britain" Lobby Card showing the great Curd Jürgens. Many of the Stars in "Battle of Britain" have leading roles in other war movies, which were also filmed in Spain. Curd Jürgens in "La Brigada de los Condenados" (Foto above).
Harry Andrews in "The Hill". Robert Shaw in "Battle of the Bulge" and...
...Sir Michael Caine is the Star in my favorite War Movie "Play Dirty".
All Movies and Locations with their Stories and Fotos on
Genre panzer-hell-spain
