Meseta "Oasis de Tabernas"

Auf die wilde Ebene verirren sich sicher nicht viele Oasen Besucher. Hier klettern eher die abenteuerlustigen 
Filmfreunde mit einem Schuss "Indiana Jones" im Blut und dem Willen unbekanntes zu entdecken herum.
Der herrliche Blick über die endlos scheinende Landschaft entschädigt auch allemal für
den harmlosen Aufstieg. Und auch hier oben wurde natürlich reichlich gedreht und viele schöne
Landschaftsszenen gefilmt. Das alles und noch vieles mehr.
Billy the Kid, 2007.

El ultimo Mohicano
Daniel Martin (Unkas)
comparison photo february 2007
German TV Spanish DVD
Unkas - El Ultimo Mohicano
comparison photo 2007
German TV
comparison photo february 2007
Spanish DVD
Unkas 1965
comparison photo february 2007
Lost Command
comparison photo summer 2005
Lost Command
comparison photo summer 2005
Alain Delon jagt mit dem Jeep auf die Ebene
comparison photo january 2007
1966 - Ein schmaler Grat
comparison photo summer 2005
How I won the war John Lennon German TV
1967 - In den Klippen 2005
1967 - Auf der Ebene
comparison photo 2005
1967 comparison photo 2005
1967 comparison photo 2005
Angriff! (In "Lost Command" ist Alain Delon hier mit dem Jeep hochgefahren)
comparison photo 2005

Il tempo degli avvoltoi
Der schwarze Tracy (Frank Wolff)
comparison photo 2005
Tracy (Frank Wolff)
comparison photo summer 2005
George Hilton Frank Wolff
Black Tracy
comparison photo 2005
1967 2007
Der schwarze Tracy sucht einen Weg von der Ebene herunter...
comparison photo february 2007
Hier geht es nicht weiter... comparison photo 2005


Kitosch (George Hilton) / Frank Wolff (Tracy)
comparison photo 2005
Dianik Zurakowska El hombre que mato a Billy el Nino Peter Lee Lawrence
Peter Lee Lawrence
comparison Killer february 2007
Billy the Kid (Peter Lee Lawrence)
Billy 1967
comparison photo february 2007
Peter Lee Lawrence, 1967
comparison photo 2008
Publicity Shot comparison photo 2008
Django - Unbarmherzig wie die Sonne
Robin Clarke (Django/Cash)
comparison photo 2005
1967 - Django, die Milch macht's!
comparison photo 2005
German LC / wrong view comparison photo 2005 / correct view
Playground for Archaeologists
"Leise weht der Wind des Todes"
During the "Oasis Massacre" the Ruger Gang shoots from above this Hill. Well, I think they just put some Extras/Stuntmen/.. on the Hill and Hackman never was up there. And they made several Close-Up Shots from the Ruger Gang which is nearly impossible to film on the top of a Hill.
So where did they made these close-ups?
comparison photo 2007 - Where is the palm?
Stihl vs. Palm at Finca Douglas, 2006
Extras on the Top of the Hill
Hackman? - comparison photo 2005
"Oasis Massacre" - A report is coming soon!
German Lobby Card comparison photo 2008
This nice German Lobby Card (scene is not in the movie!) was a great help and I discovered the location on the Meseta above the Oasis. But the Hill from which we should think they have shot from is on the other side of the Rambla Canyon! And its funny to see this location as the Ruger Gang actually only shot on the plain ...from a 1-2 meter high sandhill killing some Ants...ha..ha! You can't even see the Oasis from this position!
Hunting Party Location for the "Oasis Massacre" close-ups
A part of a "Hunting" Rifle? Last Water Bottle of Gene Hackman
"Dr.Phibes rises again"
An Oldtimer in the desert
comparison photo 2008
From the Meseta...
comparison photo 2008
...into the Oasis! comparison photo 2008
Vincent Price (Dr.Phibes)
Oasis de Tabernas
comparison photo 2008
comparison photo 2008
comparison photo 2008
Midnight at the Oasis, 1972
High Noon, 2008

Oasis de Tabernas
